PLAION Support
Kingdom Come: Deliverance II
Player Support
General Information
Report a Bug

If something isn’t working as expected in our game, please report it through our ticket form (Contact Support).

Note: Before reporting a bug, please check the "Known Issues" article to see if the issue has already been identified. If your issue is not listed, you can submit a ticket to our support team with as much detail as possible.

Here’s how: 

  • Enter your email address, select the game and platform, and choose "Report a Bug" as the request type. Describe the issue in as much detail as possible by including the following:

How to reproduce your issue:

  • Identifying the possible causes of your issue will be easier if you provide us with steps to reproduce the problem

Recurrence of your issue:

  • Are you experiencing this issue every time or only occasionally?

Have you attempted to troubleshoot the issue yourself ?

  •  We don't want to send you troubleshooting steps you have already tried, so if you did attempt to fix the issue yourself before contacting us, can you provide a detailed list of those steps?

Screenshot of the error message or video of the issue

  • In some cases, visual aids can make it easier for us to understand your issue

If you are playing on PC, please also attach your DxDiag and MsInfo files

  • The more details you provide, the better we can assist you.

Thanks for your support!

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